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March 2025|Bringing Livestock Home: Setting Up for Success from Day One

March 2025|Bringing Livestock Home: Setting Up for Success from Day One

Bringing a new show animal home is an exciting moment, but it’s also a crucial time to ensure they adjust well to their new environment. Whether you’re bringing in a show steer, lamb, goat, or pig, the first few days can set the tone for their success in the barn and, ultimately, in the show ring.
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February 2024|For Big Dreams… You’ll Need COLOSSAL™ Results

February 2024|For Big Dreams… You’ll Need COLOSSAL™ Results

January is always an exciting month in the livestock industry—Cattlemen’s Congress, Perry, Denver, Sioux Falls—the list goes on. But this year, it was even more exciting for the Show-Rite team with the official launch of Colossal™.
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January 2025|Navigating Livestock Sales: A Guide to Finding the Right Animal

January 2025|Navigating Livestock Sales: A Guide to Finding the Right Animal

Livestock sales can be exciting and overwhelming, especially for exhibitors looking to find their next show prospect. Whether you’re a seasoned buyer or new to the process, knowing how to navigate sales effectively is key to making informed decisions and securing the best animal for your goals. Here are some tips to help you confidently approach livestock sales.
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March 2024|Cooper Newcomb’s Guide to Feeding your Show Lamb

March 2024|Cooper Newcomb’s Guide to Feeding your Show Lamb

Starting at four weeks old and post-weaning, mix or transition to solely offering NewCo Lamb Feed. Providing NewCo Lamb Feed will help your animal show more shape and bloom and can also lead to major differences in muscle development.
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April 2024|New Show-Rite Goat Feeds Boost Nutrition for Peak Success

April 2024|New Show-Rite Goat Feeds Boost Nutrition for Peak Success

Show-Rite has been an industry leader in creating competitive show goat feeds for years. This launch offers our customers more leading-edge nutrition to keep their show goats competitive all day, every day.
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May 2023|A Show Mom's Perspective

May 2023|A Show Mom's Perspective

I often think about the chances that I have with my kids. We are always trying to win THE BIG ONE, when, realistically, we have a small number of chances to do so.
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February 2023|All About Our New Complete Pig Feeds

February 2023|All About Our New Complete Pig Feeds

It’s an exciting time for Team Show-Rite, as we have decided to totally redesign our complete feeds program for show pig exhibitors. Our new fiber-focused feeds are designed for the modern feeder, rather than the feeders of the past.
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December 2022|Fungus in cattle: Where does it come from, and how do we prevent and treat it?

December 2022|Fungus in cattle: Where does it come from, and how do we prevent and treat it?

A common battle that cattle showmen face this time of year is fighting ringworm in their projects. Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. It is more prevalent in cattle that are barned or kept together in confinement during the winter months and is less prevalent in the summer.
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August 2022|7 steps for success at the majors

August 2022|7 steps for success at the majors

Jackpots, county and local shows — you don’t even break a sweat at these anymore. However, when it comes to your first time at a major stock show, your nerves can start to get the better of you. But don’t panic; Show-Rite has got your back! Here are a few basic steps to follow toward stock show success!
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July 2022|Stay on the move with Rite Flex

July 2022|Stay on the move with Rite Flex

Regardless of species, structural challenges and injuries can quickly derail your project. There are various potential nightmare scenarios with disastrous consequences that livestock feeders and projects can face.
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June 2022|Temperature control: The key to pig project stability

June 2022|Temperature control: The key to pig project stability

Temperature control and air flow are essential elements in the success of your pig project. As we think about the overall health of our livestock, we must also consider how our own bodies react to temperature changes.
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March 2022|5 common questions surrounding supplements

March 2022|5 common questions surrounding supplements

Supplements are designed to be added to a feed program to affect specific areas of animal development, where a complete feed takes a more general, nourishing approach. They can be beneficial tools when used correctly.
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February 2022|Health, Health, Health

February 2022|Health, Health, Health

When we think about an animal’s performance, growth and overall development, we need to always think about health first and foremost. One of the first times we see projects struggle or have any health issues is when we first purchase the animal and move them to their new home.
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January 2022|3 things to look for in animal selection and easy ways to spot them

January 2022|3 things to look for in animal selection and easy ways to spot them

Animal selection is a tricky thing. Some people are born with the natural ability to evaluate livestock; others spend years studying and competing in livestock judging at the high school or collegiate level to become an expert. If you are reading this, you are likely in search of some help when it comes to animal evaluation.
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December 2021|Want the rite rib and the look? Get Rite Fiber

December 2021|Want the rite rib and the look? Get Rite Fiber

“The look” is everything when trying to grab a banner on the tanbark at cattle shows today. We hear judges talk about this look on the mic all the time. The look involves a cleaner made animal with less condition, more spring and depth of rib, while maintaining structural soundness and structural integrity.
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November 2021|Keeping your animals healthy during the winter months

November 2021|Keeping your animals healthy during the winter months

The old adage that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” seems very appropriate when preparing for the winter months with livestock. What you do ahead of time — and being proactive instead of reactive — will pay great dividends in the days of bitter cold and winter weather.
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October 2021|Starting your new calves on feed

October 2021|Starting your new calves on feed

Getting your new calves home is an exciting time, and the possibilities for the coming show season are truly endless. However, nothing can erase those feelings faster than having to worry about a calf that won’t start on feed. Preparation and observation are the keys to eliminating your worries this fall.
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September 2021|Let them be cattle

September 2021|Let them be cattle

It’s about that time again for most of us. Time to get those cattle projects bought and start gearing up for winter, spring, and summer shows again! Crazy to think about since we just wrapped up summer 2021 show season, but so fun to get out there, start shopping around and see those baby show calves running around and predicting what might they become at your goal endpoint.
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August 2021|Keepin' them fresh!

August 2021|Keepin' them fresh!

I’m sure that, for some, the summer has just flown by — and for some others, the clock is ticking slow! If you’re like me, then it’s “go, go, go,” all day every day. Honestly, I get to moving so fast that I fall into a routine of feeding my animals and sometimes forget to count the days to my target end show — and BAM! Before I know it, I’m 60, 40, 30 days out to a show and realizing, “Man, I need to be feeding these projects a little different to make sure they look right for the right show.”
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July 2021|Techniques for improving first-service conception rates in ewes and does

July 2021|Techniques for improving first-service conception rates in ewes and does

Sheep and goat producers only get one chance for a successful first-service conception! Failure at this stage of production lengthens labor-intense lambing/kidding windows, and when using enhanced reproductive practices, such as AI and ET, conception failures lead to lost input costs and missed elite genetic marketing opportunities.
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April 2021|The final push: 120 days out from state fair

April 2021|The final push: 120 days out from state fair

Where should my project be when I’m 120 days away from the state fair? What should I have accomplished? What do I need to be thinking about accomplishing? We asked the experts to answer all of these questions below.
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March 2021|The importance of routine

March 2021|The importance of routine

A consistent daily routine is one of the major pieces of the puzzle for finding success with your project. You may be wondering what that looks like for your respective species, so we asked our specialists to share their routines and practices with you here.
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February 2021|Baby Lamb Success

February 2021|Baby Lamb Success

The key to baby lamb success starts long before the lamb hits the ground. It is important to be prepared.
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December 2020|Can't I just buy the cheapest feed?

December 2020|Can't I just buy the cheapest feed?

The question that the title of this article asks is one that has been posed to show feed reps since the dawn of the show feed industry. The answer is a resounding YES, you could buy the cheapest feed. Feed costs can and do represent a significant expenditure when raising a project — but at the same time, there are many factors that go into feed costs.
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December 2020|2020: What an experience! But more importantly, what have we learned?

December 2020|2020: What an experience! But more importantly, what have we learned?

It is easy to say that 2020 will go down in the record books as SOMETHING. When it comes to this year, everyone has different views, thoughts, experiences and stories, to be sure. Yet I feel that if we all take a step back, catch a breath
and just appreciate everything we learned from this challenging time, we will see a reward.
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November 2020|How to avoid digestive issues in show cattle

November 2020|How to avoid digestive issues in show cattle

Finishing a calf by show time can be one of the most rewarding experiences — but maintaining the calf’s digestive health is the key to success. When a digestive upset occurs, cattle will go off feed, resulting in reduced weight gain on their end and frustration on yours.
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October 2020|A Historical Perspective

October 2020|A Historical Perspective

Without a doubt, 2020 will be a year to remember. This pandemic will have a lasting impact of epic proportions. It will be etched in our minds forever — but we may not remember it as negatively as most people. Our industry will be able to look back and recall how they witnessed, first-hand, how to handle adversity.
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September 2020|Holding out for the fall

September 2020|Holding out for the fall

Tips and tricks on how to hold your animal for the fall shows while keeping them fresh and youthful.
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August 2020|Sow Nutrition

August 2020|Sow Nutrition

Sow nutrition and management are often some of the most overlooked aspects of show pig production. Instead, focus has been placed on the latest and greatest, newest and hottest, coolest boar, leaving the female as one of the most ignored facets of production.
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July 2020|5 tips for pushing a project

July 2020|5 tips for pushing a project

Some general management tips for all species that can help you make up for lost time when pushing a project to make weight.
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June 2020|The best ways to provide Swell - and it's benefits - to your animals

June 2020|The best ways to provide Swell - and it's benefits - to your animals

In this day and age, top shape and upper rib shape are very important when selecting hogs in the show ring. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking about small shows, big shows or virtual shows; these two selection criteria are looked at by every judge in the country. With that said, our Show-Rite product Swell can help in these areas.
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May 2020|Why Deworm Your Show Pig?

May 2020|Why Deworm Your Show Pig?

Worm eggs can survive in the environment for many years1. Eggs can be found in the dirt, on the pig’s hair, in trucks and trailers, even on the bottom of your boots.
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April 2020|5 steps to breaking and training your show lamb

April 2020|5 steps to breaking and training your show lamb

Chastin Leggett is from Moore, Oklahoma. He is the founder and CEO of You Gotta Believe (YGB) Livestock Camps. He has coached showmen to win championship titles at every major stock show in the U.S. and at state fairs from coast to coast.
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March 2020|How to get your show wether off to a great start

March 2020|How to get your show wether off to a great start

There’s no doubt about it: the biggest challenge facing most goat feeders today is getting their young projects off to an excellent start. These finicky, small ruminants have challenged many a great veterinarian and livestock genius alike.
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February 2020|Spring show calf hair care

February 2020|Spring show calf hair care

Spring hair care is of the utmost importance when looking ahead and planning to be successful at summertime shows. We often get caught up in the fit job of our animals, but before you can fit them, you must have hair to work with!
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January 2020|EXHALE lets livestock breathe easier

January 2020|EXHALE lets livestock breathe easier

Show-Rite® Exhale is one of the more unique products to hit the market in some time. This liquid paste is used to enhance longevity in animals that sometimes struggle to maintain the endurance that seems to come naturally to
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December 2019|The ins and outs of feeding show steers vs. heifers

December 2019|The ins and outs of feeding show steers vs. heifers

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and it can also be the most important time if you want to build a competitive edge in feeding your calf. Too often, people look at the winter months as an “off-season” for cattle projects that will be shown the following summer; that’s the wrong way to think about things.
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November 2019|4 must-have products for show pig producers

November 2019|4 must-have products for show pig producers

Farrowing season is fast-approaching, and now is the time to start gathering your supplies and products to make it smooth and successful. The four products I will talk about here are ones that we use ourselves on our show pig operation and are also ones that I recommend that my clients have on-hand before every farrowing season.
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October 2019|Breaking the bad habits of breaking your calf

October 2019|Breaking the bad habits of breaking your calf

Breaking your calf is the first connection you make with your new project after getting them home, so this ultimately ends up being a very important moment in the development of your relationship. There are many thoughts — as well as misconceptions — associated with starting this process, which we will explore further in this article.
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September 2019|The Science of success: 3 ways Show-Rite improves animal health and efficiency

September 2019|The Science of success: 3 ways Show-Rite improves animal health and efficiency

Ask any Show-Rite rep and we’ll tell you that our #pinkbags include Alltech® ingredients and/or gut health products. But what does that really mean?
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August 2019|Get the look: Feeding heifers the Rite way

August 2019|Get the look: Feeding heifers the Rite way

I wanted to start this article with those wins simply to show you how successful our heifer feeders have been — and to show you that this stuff WORKS. So, let’s dive into it: how do you feed a heifer? Here’s a quick statement that I want each one of you to take to heart: “It’s not rocket science.” Don’t try to make this more complicated than it actually is!
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July 2019|How to prevent fungus in your lambs

July 2019|How to prevent fungus in your lambs

Fungus. The very word is enough to make any exhibitor cringe. So, how do we control and prevent this issue — and, better yet, what causes it?
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June 2019|Showmanship tips from the pros

June 2019|Showmanship tips from the pros

Showmanship preparation begins at home — and starts long before the day of the show. Practice makes perfect, and it is vital to prepare not only yourself for the competition, but your animal as well.
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May 2019|10 Daily Care Tips that will make a difference in the show ring

May 2019|10 Daily Care Tips that will make a difference in the show ring

As competitive as the show ring has become, it’s more important now than ever before to do everything correctly at home in order to truly shine in the ring. The tips outlined here may seem negligible, but they are all too often forgotten or overlooked — and small daily successes can add up to a big win!
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April 2019|How nutrition and daily routine make a difference in the skin and hair quality of show cattle

April 2019|How nutrition and daily routine make a difference in the skin and hair quality of show cattle

It’s simple: nutrition and daily routine make all the difference in the world for the skin and hair of your show calf. Providing a high-quality food source helps to feed the skin and hair internally while, in turn, the daily hair care regimen you provide works to stimulate hair growth and condition the skin externally.
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March 2019|Introducing Exhale: Our latest Multi-species supplement

March 2019|Introducing Exhale: Our latest Multi-species supplement

In the livestock show industry, our animals often encounter challenges associated with stamina or respiration and, consequently, aren’t able to perform to the best of their abilities. But now, Show-Rite is introducing Exhale, an exciting new product designed to minimize the occurrence of respiratory restrictions and increase stamina.
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February 2019|Five most underutilized Show-Rite Products

February 2019|Five most underutilized Show-Rite Products

As feeders of show-stock, we are constantly striving to improve our animals — and, in many instances, it’s the little things that can make a big difference. I’ve listed five products below that are commonly overlooked yet are affordable and highly effective.
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January 2019|Showring Swine Selection

January 2019|Showring Swine Selection

It’s time to find your new project for the upcoming show season. This is an exciting process for most, but there are a few things to consider before you begin.
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December 2018|Trace Minerals in Show Feeds

December 2018|Trace Minerals in Show Feeds

Trace minerals are essential nutrients in the diets of all livestock. Because trace minerals interact with each other, it is important to utilize supplements that have the appropriate levels and ratios for their specific situation.
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